Tutorials R Us
This is the method I use to place beads in my knitting when the hole is too small for even the tiniest crochet hook. It is a variation of a method I saw in Sivia Harding's Angel Pearls scarf pattern. I didn't have the the little doohickey she called for, so I improvised and used wire to place the Swarovski crystal pearls. And I've used this method ever since.
First cut a length of fine gauge wire - such as 28-34 - whatever you feel comfortable working with. Mine is about 3.5 inches long. You can find wire in hardware stores or craft stores. I just happen to have fine galvanized steel wire around the house because it's so handy for wiring things together. It's also great for placing beads in knitting.

Next, at about two thirds of the way across the wire, make a sharp bend - your fingernail will work perfectly for this.

Use pliers to flatten the wire. I am using chain nose jewelry pliers here, but others will suffice, as long as you use the flat portion of the pliers.

One side will be longer; this helps when adding the bead.

Hold the wire apart and insert through the stitch to be beaded while the stitch is still on the needle. Remove the stitch from the needle.

Insert wire through bead.

Push bead down onto both thicknesses of wire.

Push bead over stitch.

Place stitch back on needle

and knit as usual.


The bead will not move around and it can be seen on both sides equally - great for reversible items!
Onward: anonymous said of the provisional cast-on tutorial "I used this crochet cast-on the one time I have tried a provisional cast-on and loved it...at first. When it came time to "unzip" and pick up the stitched to knit in the other direction, I found they were twisted every which way! Perhaps I did something wrong??? I know that I didn't make any extra stitches in the original crochet part; perhaps that was the problem?"
Hmmmm. My guess is that the crocheted chain became twisted on the knitting needle as you were knitting the first row. It needs to stay completely straight in order to be easily unzipped. I'll try mucking up my cast on and see what I can come up with. :)
In other news, Michelle is hosting a KAL for the talented Ruth Sorenson's (click on Strikning and then patterns for sale) new Kauni design.

Go check it out!
Now it's back to the salt mines for me!
Labels: tutorials