What I did over Memorial Day Weekend, Part II

And here is Boy with Rabbit: #1 Son in his 4H garb (minus tie) with Dart, getting ready to go to the fair for the Primary judging.

At 7, he is too young to compete in the Juniors or Seniors divisions, but this year, they had a new practice division for kids to start becoming accustomed to competition. The judges were wonderfully helpful and honest in their assessments. It was a great experience. Here he is during judging:

He did amazingly well, considering he has not been doing this for very long at all. By the time he's old enough to show, he'll be awesome! We were all totally thrilled. I think I should mention here that Dart is a show rabbit and not a market rabbit. Both are raised by 4H-ers. And can I also mention that I will never eat rabbit again? In fact, I'm thinking I will just become a vegetarian. Yep, that's the ticket. Soybeans aren't at all cute. ;)
Of course, I had to stop by and check out the sheep. Here's one that was checking me out a little too close!

And the award for the most stylin' sheep goes to...

She wouldn't tell me her name, but I'm sure it was a good one. :)
Tomorrow: the auction! A little hint about that cake I mentioned yesterday...it went for 4 figures!
Labels: cute kids, General Musings and Ramblings