Friday Eye Candy
This is a frozen cosmopolitan my husband shot (and I styled) for a client awhile back.

I had a blast with the "ice" and a secret ingredient in the cosmo! Can you guess what I added to the drink for the photo shoot?
The first person to guess will be sent one of these:

Get your answers in by midnight (PST) Sunday May 27. If no one guesses correctly, I'll have a contest to give it away next week!
edited to add: I'm going to amend the contest a little: the first correct person will receive a pin (shown above) and then I will take the rest of the correct answers and draw one at random. That person will also get a pin (shown above). I love all the guesses! Keep 'em coming! The more the merrier! :)
Happy Friday! :)

I had a blast with the "ice" and a secret ingredient in the cosmo! Can you guess what I added to the drink for the photo shoot?
The first person to guess will be sent one of these:

Get your answers in by midnight (PST) Sunday May 27. If no one guesses correctly, I'll have a contest to give it away next week!
edited to add: I'm going to amend the contest a little: the first correct person will receive a pin (shown above) and then I will take the rest of the correct answers and draw one at random. That person will also get a pin (shown above). I love all the guesses! Keep 'em coming! The more the merrier! :)
Happy Friday! :)
Labels: contest, eye candy, shawl pins
I am going to guess that it is applesauce as the secret ingredient. At first I thought maybe powdered geletin, but I think applesauce is a better guess
That truly is appropriate eye candy for a Friday! I have no guesses, but have a great weekend!
Let's see....something to make the pink really pop, right? I'm going to guess pink jello!
Was it fiber?
I guess you weren't able to drink it? I was surprised to discover that alot of food in magazines is non-edible.
Shaving cream? heehee
Kool-Aid powder?
It's a gorgeous photo! Terry
Yogurt? I've heard of it being used by food stylists to simulate frozen drinks. Beautiful shot, by the way.
How about that powder that comes out around Christmas time that you add water to, and it's supposed to be snow. Magic Snow?
i'm going to guess that it's those crystals that you add to cut flowers that become gel-like, to keep them fresh.
Wow! I didn't think of applesauce. The husband suggested a polymer, like the type you find in a diaper!
Cool picture! Was Glitter the secret ingredient? Can we have two guesses? If so, my second guess is liquid soap.
Or, what about one of those fibre drinks, like Metamucil ;-)
Benefiber? or a fiber supplement?
Glass microbeads? All the other guesses are pretty good too! :)
All the really good guesses are already guessed, so I'm going with tiny seed beads to make that lovely, sparkly texture. Yup, that's my guess and I'm stickin' to it!
totally random - polyster stuffing?
Hmm, I don't know what this stuff is called, but I got some as a gift once ... it's a packet of little crystals that when you hydrate them, they turn into a gelatinous mass ... often used to put tealights or floating candles in. That's my guess!
Windex- it's got to be windex!
Since Applesauce was already taken, I'll guess potato buds or whatever the fake, just add water, boxed mashed potato stuff is called.
I don't see my comment. I think it was Vodka!
Cranberry juice? To make it pinker?
cranberry juice to make it pinker?
Easter egg dye. The pink is so intense.
Tapioca? There's no condensation on the outside of the glass, so I'm guessing the "drink" isn't really frozen.
Since someone already guessed powdered gelatin, I will guess extra fine, pink colored sand
Ok, I have another guess of instant mashed potato mix or potato flakes or something like that.
Okay - I've got to give it a try - malt-omeal or some other cereal? I know ice cream is often mash potatoes so maybe that. Eitehr way - I wouldn't want to have to be the model that eats/drinks some of the "pretty" food items
I guess instant mashed potatoes.
Red food coloring? Maybe some of those beads from a diaper that has been in a swimming pool and exploded (clean of course).
Those are my guesses because the other things I thought of were already taken. ;-P
Something more conventional, food coloring, or whatever they use for cake decorating. The shawl pin is lovely :-)
I'm guessing real fiber that you spin, that's been well carded...
Hmm...these are all good guesses! I thought of several of these, too. Ok, I'll guess lots and lots of sea salt! hahaha...I'm doubting that can possibly be it - but it looks very sandy like on top. Awesome photo.
To me it looks like some sort of pink foam or sponge was used, it looks really tasty at any rate!
hair mousse. shaving cream. strawberries. Red food coloring.
Your styling is awesome. I think I'd still prefer the actual drink though!
glue? styrofoam? interfacing? hairspray? OK, I'm out.
Rice cereal or instant grits?
Hmmm, well, lets see. The curl of lime looks more like a spiral bead to me so that's my first guess for the "added ingredient". But since someone pointed out the lack of condensation I think there's something to the water holding crystal idea - although I think those are the "ice" based on size. I suppose they could be chopped up finer to put into the frozen cosmo stuff. (By the way - frozen cosmo sounds pretty good right now. Hmmm, a bit early for that here...)
I second the notion that it is in fact some form of pink roving soaked in pink gelatinous goo.
I can't offer a guess because there are already so many good ones before me but I do want to say that your pins are gorgeous.
I'm betting either applesauce or the tiny super-water absorbing crystals.
What a fun contest!
I guess it's the garnish on the glass, it looks to be enameled, perhaps the look is from photography or photoshop skills, but it looks like a piece of jewelry rather than a slice of lime, etc...I'm interested to find out the answer!
The lime twist looks so ... perfect. I'm going to guess that it isn't a lime twist but what? Metal maybe?
I say kosher salt
How about Calamine lotion, to enhance the bright pink color?
paint? glass? Whatever it is, it sure looks good!
I'll go with something a Mom has handy in the cream of wheat, appropriately spiked with coloring(g)
How about seed beads?
Louise in France
I'm guessing cream of wheat instant oatmeal. Personally, I'd take the real thing any day, but that photo is stunning. Nice job!
I'm thinking it's something like those cellophane beads. It has to be something non-edible that will hold it's shape and glisten even when hot. hmmm...
What a great picture!! It really gets my mouth watering for some drinks later. I think it looks like apple sauce was added.
Fun contest!
Wow, lots of comments. People want your gorgeous pins. How about Barbie pink jello. All of the good guesses are already taken. It is a neat pic, btw!
I gotta go with applesauce and food coloring. It looks delicious, though. :-)
Pomegranate juice.
That stuff stains wicked, so I'm thinking it might make good food colouring....
Okay, here's another used wool dye for the colour...
Or should I say, Ewe ;-)
I heard that wood glue was often added to food for advertising pictures, so I'm gonna guess that.
Wow! Yummy! Now, let me guess what you added - pink food coloring? Or, no - pink yarn dye? ;)
Nice picture. My guess is Pepto Bismo.
I haven't been around the computer much this weekend so I've missed your contest...but my guess is DIAMONDS! ;-) I'll bet it tasted good no matter what.
Grenadine (sp?)'s the most amazing color!! Makes me want to whip up a couple. Does that come in the "virgin" type as well?
Lovely photograph....Not surprizing!!
First off, Thanks so much for all your nice comments!
Second, that photo is lickable. I'm off to mix a cosmo right after this post;)
And last, my guess is you handmade the lime twist.
**Now...cocktail time!
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