Last Friday we packed up the car and headed off to our very first out of state swim meet; across the Sierras and into Carson City, Nevada! It had been a very long time since I'd actually been into Nevada (California is a big state and we don't usually leave by car!) and an even longer time since I'd been to Carson City. Newsflash for this California girl: on the other side of the state line, they have it pretty good! I mean, just look at this gorgeous indoor Olympic sized pool!
The Carson Tigersharks get to practice there. We were all seriously - and I mean seriously - green with envy. #1 Son just stared open-mouthed when he walked into the complex. They have a scoreboard that keeps a running time and has each swimmer's "name in lights" as #1 Son said. Both boys went on to have an absolutely amazing meet, with personal bests in every event. Part of that is because they are both finally getting thoroughly over whooping cough (yes - they were both vaccinated the requisite number of times, but they got it anyway), and part of that is because they were just so thoroughly enjoying the moment and the whole experience. It was such a joy to see!
Now, not only did both boys have personal bests in each event, The Bear won his 8 and under age division, taking first in every single one of his events. Here he is with his age division trophy. He is one proud little dude. And his parents may have burst a few buttons, as well.
While we were there, Mr. Romi, who loves archery, stopped by the local outdoor course. He had called ahead and gotten ahold of the caretaker (I was feeling the similarities here, since I checked Jimmy Beans' hours!) who met him there in the morning to shoot before the afternoon session of the swim meet. (Big kids in the morning, little kids in the afternoon). It was so gorgeous that Mr. Romi took me out later to see the view. Look at that sky!
It had snowed the night before, but the snow had all evaporated. You can still see some on the Sierras in the background here, though.
I was absolutely enthralled by the scenery. I have always always loved the desert, and the high desert in particular.
And then we were off to Reno. Happily for me, Jimmy Beans is open on Mondays! (And yes, I had already checked on the way up. I believe in being prepared.) Look at this yummy wall of yarn! Mmmmmmmmore yarn.
This is where the website fulfillment magic happens - in the back room. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming (and they let the boys use the bathroom so I will love them all forever)! This is Kristen, who is packing up orders.
And this is Terry, who actually used to live in Sonoma County and knew exactly where my town is! This is a very Rare Thing.
She was nice enough not to say anything when I pronounced Nevada incorrectly. Being from California, I pronounced it with the Spanish "a" as Nev-AH-da. But in reality, locals pronounce it Nev-AD-a. So, many thanks to you, Terry (and apologies for messing up your state name); I am much obliged! :)
Oh. Did I mention that some yarn might have followed me home? This lovely is from Lorna's Laces. It's one of their designer series yarns, and this particular skein of Shepherd Sock is Grand Street Ink, Jared Flood's color. I loved the gorgeous rich purpley-brown color immediately, and it went wandering around the store with me. And because a skein of yarn can never be lonely, it found a friend. Seasilk in the ebony colorway. Seeing that I have an absurdly enormous stash, I asked #1 Son which he liked best, because I was determined to split them up and only adopt one. He gave his opinion. I asked Mr. Romi and The Bear. They said both. Hee. Love it! Although I secretly thought Mr. Romi was buttering me up because we were about to stop at Cabela's on the way back to California.
Here's the view out the Cabela's door. It is an insanely enormous store. Utterly overwhelming. All I can say is: it's a good thing I was there. Otherwise? We might be starving and homeless today.
We finally got out of Cabela's and were off back to California! The traffic was quite civilized, probably due to the exorbitant price of gas.
And when we returned? Look what was waiting for me! It is angora/wool/silk from one of my club members. She keeps angoras and had the fiber spun by a local mill. It is sumptuous! I really wish you could see it and feel it. It's a lace weight and it is the lightest and softest stuff ever! I can't wait to dig into it. She spoiled me with four 315 yard skeins!
And then today it was back to work. It was nice to sleep in my own bed, but I find myself really missing the high desert! Kind of amazing for a dyed in the wool California girl. Just shows that even an old dog, well, you know.... ;)
Labels: cute kids, road trip, swimming, yarny goodness