26 March 2013

monday's musing, tuesday edition

"Nothing is inevitable until it happens." - A.J.P. Taylor

Love love love this quote.

Trying to get centered and back in the game here. I feel so scattered, and have felt for awhile now. When you feel scattered, what do you do to get it all together again?



Anonymous Pauline Keller said...

I try to clean up and organize my space. If my space isn't scattered I feel less scattered also.

4:03 PM  
Blogger by Annie Claire said...

..work on getting rid of the expectations I had put upon myself which resulted in making me feel scattered! - Like, every week!

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Write it all down or sketch it all out in a mind map. Also I try to use David Allen's getting things done

4:53 AM  
Anonymous Deborah S. said...

I get some alone time so I can focus then make a list of what I need to tackle and prioritize them. Some how listing things makes them seem more manageable and lifts some of the anxiety I feel so I can concentrate again. Then I start on item number one. I just love ticking things off the list. What a sense of accomplishment.

5:46 AM  
Blogger Romi said...

Thank you thank you! I'm on my way to getting it together again. :)

9:58 PM  
Blogger Laura Sue said...

I agree with Pauline. Clean up. It gets me moving, clears my space and my mind.

11:40 AM  

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