16 April 2012

Monday's Musing

"Make it so." - Jean-Luc Picard

This is what I am working on. Well, I often work on it, actually. Less contemplation; more doing!

Have a great week everyone!



Blogger livvi said...

Well said, and we were watching next generation when I read this post. Gave my husband a good laugh :). Happy Monday.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Hilary said...

My fave, and most-used Star Trek quote. :) My geeky friends and I in college used to say it in Latin: "Fiat ita" (or something like that).

Making it so feels so great. Swatching and sketching is fun, but the making it so is way better, imo.

3:11 PM  
Blogger Gail said...

Nothing gratuitous about the cuteness on that pup... it serves a purpose. Too cute to exact revenge on bad behavior.
I can't mention it on the Romi forums ... but your wonderful "see you around" gift from your knitting group (some of those faces look suspiciously familiar) inspired me.

I'm knitting a mono color (Louet Riverstone Worsted in Lichen... ["Sorry Mom, I like a little more acid in my green. But I'd use it as a blanket in Felix's room"] Yesir Yesir three bags full.) Style two.

1:47 PM  

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