30 May 2010


7 Small Shawls: T - 216 days and counting down.

Remember those old Club Med ads? The antidote to civilization? I feel like I've had a little too much "civilization" these past few days. It was sooooooo nice to take a nap today and catch up on some knitting. The perfect antidote!
See? Progress has been made! More later. I'm going to go read in bed now. :)



Blogger Ann said...

Beautiful and exciting!
I cannot wait untill the first shawl in the e-book

12:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a pretty little leafy thing!

I just bought the yarn for Merope...no pressure though :)

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That detail is gorgeous!

9:31 AM  

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