Ruh roh...

Yes, that is what it looks like. A spinning wheel! My letter carrier, who sees all of the yarny things coming my way, asked me if I wanted to borrow it from her. She hasn't used it in five years. So of course I said yes!! And she brought it over, complete with a bobbin of yarn she had been spinning!

She also brought hand carders, a niddy noddy, a couple of fleeces, a lazy Kate and magazines. Dude. I am so excited! The only thing keeping me from dropping completely and irrevocably into the spinning vortex is the fact that I have to replace the little nylon rod that attaches the treadle to the drive arm. Do I have my terminology right here? I hate calling things the wrong name. :)
Now I want a loom. I have been wanting to learn to weave for a long time. Ruh roh.....
Labels: spinning
Oh how exciting! A spinning wheel! When can you get that thingy replace? Soon I hope.
It's a slippery slope but I bet you already know that. Have fun!
Wow- you got real lucky there! Funny that you mentioned weaving. My husband asked me the other day, when I will be weaving. He thought that would be the next step. :o) I never say never again.
You're going to be very busy with new pursuits. You've already slide down the slope so you may as well enjoy it!
Wow - that's quite a postie!!!! I sense you'll be lost to spinning now for quite a while -- can't wait to see what you do. Have fun!
It was just a matter of time! Once you've fallen into the vortex there's no going back.
I've been plotting how I can make room for a loom as well. I REALLY want one, but live in a small apartment where I just barely made room for a kitchen table. I think I have to be responsible and wait until we move into a larger place with a 3rd room, but I really don't WANT to.....
Oh man! A wheel! You're doomed now. I loved spinning when I had a spindle... once I tried a wheel I was gone forever. Doooooooomed... and loving it.
If I'm understanding correctly the part you're referring to... the drive arm is actually called the footman.
Here's a great short guide to the major parts...
Spinning is glorious. Looks like a very nice wheel, too. Weaving's pretty nice, but one fairly major (to me, anyway) downside is that it tends to take about twice as long to set everything up (threading heddles, etc. - very tedious) than to actually weave. What I need is the equivalent of a sous chef but for looms - they set everything up, and then I just get to weave. :D
You can use a piece of leather to replace the part. Call me if you need any have a doubledrive...
It was only a matter of time. You're going to be so good at this!
Angela, look what you started! Good for you both.
oh YES! :-) Hooray for you! I predict you will have many happy hours with it, once you fix that, er, thingy. (Is it a conrod, perhaps?)
An Ashford Traditional. I have one of those. Have fun!
By now, you are probably an expert! The traditional is easy to learn on, and will go a long ways towards helping you decide what kind of wheel of your own to get; there's a great article on choosing a wheel in this issue of Spin-off... and I have a friend selling her mother's two-harness, foot-pedal operated tapestry loom, if you are interested... she's between Auburn and Sacramento, so well within your range:)
Oh, what a nice treat! I can't imagine not using something like that!
Wow, cool! The only thing my letter carrier ever brings is bills. And he's surly about it, too. Have fun!
Uh oh.
There was a loom up for auction a couple of weeks ago at North Bay Auctions.
I was smart enough to leave before they got to it, but not before she scored the vintage quilt.
Welcome to your new addictions! And they are sweet ones to enjoy!
Ah! And what an amazing vortex it is....jump in, the water is fine!
Romi, you'll love spinning. It's the most mediative fiber art I do, very tactile. And there's nothing quite like knitting something for someone from yarn you've spun. I made a chemo cap for my late FIL from an angora blend I had spun. It was so soft and comfy he could wear it to bed to keep warm.
That is a beautiful wheel. Beautiful! Now, you will be spinning, weaving, knitting, designing, jewelry are so very talented. Good luck with it and keep us posted on your progress.
Yay for spinning wheels! It is a slippery slope though. I thought I'd stop with my wheel, but I just got a Kromski Harp loom...
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