20 November 2006

With Many Thanks

As I came up for a little air today, I found myself musing on the kindness of others. I have just had the kind of month and a half that every small businessperson/craftsperson dreams of. It started with a wonderful review in Knitty by the talented and witty Amy. Soon after, I heard that my work had been accepted into the Plaza Arts Center's holiday gift show alongside some of my favorite designers. I had several new wholesale requests, and then came the blog mentions. There was the talented Wendy, Melanie whose patterns I *love*, the kind and lovely Elizabeth, the amazing Caroline, and globe trotting Melinda. And the private emails! What a lucky person I am to have such wonderful customers. I cannot tell you how incredible it felt to read such kind words from you all. And everything combined to make one of those months in which it all comes together...and it has left me feeling exhausted, grateful, overwhelmed, happy and a bit dazed. Thank you all so very much. Keep those cards and letters coming! ;)

Okay, I'm finished being sappy. I promise. At least for now. *g*

So, before I get back to work (I didn't give you the impression I could slack off, did I?!?), I'll leave you with some cuteness.

Why, you might ask, are there two heart pins, one regular size and the other miniature? Because, of course, a gal's gotta have a great shawl pin to go with her shawl!

And here's Sue struttin' her stuff! Many thanks to Mary for letting me use her picture of Sue the Ewe in all her finery! She did an amazing job on Sam the Ram, too. :)

Next episode: blocking the long finished but never blocked Estonian Garden Shawl.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Total cuteness! Actually, I like the little pin a lot. It would look fantastic on the brim of a felted hat.

9:07 AM  
Blogger AR said...

Yay, Romi!
I love the look of your pins, by the way.

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's so great! I have your sterling heart pin. I love it - it's sooo pretty! :)

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You totally deserve the recognition! Your pins are beautiful!

12:55 PM  

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