20 May 2010

10 in 2010!

You all have seen that Ravelry group, right? Those brave and fearless souls who have signed on to knit 10 shawls in 2010? Well, it's been teasing at my brain for some time now. Ever since I first heard of it, my sane side has been trying to convince my crazy side that I shouldn't try to design 10 shawls in 2010. Guess who won? Hee.

I've already designed 3 shawls this year:
Brandywine, Fiori di Sole and an as yet secret shawl due out in fall. That leaves 7. And that leads us to my quest!

I've become addicted to designing small shawls made of sock yarn and my sock yarn stash is growing. And growing. So I'm jumping in! I’m starting late, and I have 7 shawls to go before the end of this year. Can I do it? We shall soon find out!

The patterns will all go into an ebook,
7 Small Shawls to Knit, which you can "subscribe" to now! For those of you who have not joined the amazing Ravelry site, you can also see the book on my site here.
As a subscriber, you will receive periodic notices that there is a new pattern ready. Just go to the link provided and download your next copy of the book. Each update will include the past patterns, as well, so there is no need to keep lots of files. The update file will completely replace any older files.

Each of the shawl patterns will also be sold separately, but when you buy the entire collection as an ebook, you will also get other small patterns sprinkled here and there–at least 3 extras! Those extra projects will not be available for purchase alone. And with an ebook purchase, you'll already be getting - at a minimum - 3 of the shawl patterns free, as well!

Another great bit of win? If you subscribe now, the ebook is only $16! When the first pattern (
Merope) is released on June 1st, 2010, the price of the book will go up to $20, (which isn't too shabby either). :)

Each of the 7 shawls in this book is named after one of the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters of Greek mythology–nymph companions of Artemis–turned into stars to save them from Orion’s pursuit.

Here's a little sneak peek at Merope.
This one is the stockinette version.
It's knit with one skein of Jade Sapphire's silk/cashmere.
There is a garter stitch version, as well, and it's being tested as I write this.
Just as the Merope of legend, a nymph who married a human, had different personalities, her namesake does as well.
You can knit a smooth stockinette version for your inner nymph, or a more mortal garter stitch version. :)

Follow along with me – I'll be blogging the progress I make through the design process: imagining, swatching, charting, testing and laying out the patterns while trying to live a normal life!

I can't tell you how excited I am about this project! I hope you will join me!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merope looks beautiful. Love the pictures.

5:27 PM  
Blogger troy and christina said...

Way to go, Rosemary! It looks exciting. -christina

5:34 PM  
Blogger teanotea said...

I know who really won: knitters everywhere.

I'll be looking forward to the patterns as you finish them.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Kristine said...

LOVE! So happy for you - and so excited to witness your creations!

8:56 PM  
Blogger Tiny Tyrant said...

I like Merope because it's one of the stars in my favorite constellation, Pleiades.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Tiny Tyrant said...

Just read the opening blurb for the subscription. This is TOTALLY a shawl book for me based on the name.

Cannot wait Romi.

Bought and paid for.

9:13 PM  
Blogger sophanne said...

I've only finished 2 so you're one ahead of me!

If Brandywine is any indication- 7 shawls will meet with great success!

5:57 AM  
Blogger Lorraine said...

Rosemary- Very exciting- I saw Merope on Ravelry.


6:17 AM  
Blogger Turtle said...

loving the shawl so far!

i was a part of that group on rav and enjoyed it but ... life! Funny though, Merope is number 6 this year so far and i also have another on the needles half done! (aside from the couple of cardigans, hats, sewing etc i have done. Hmmm, maybe i should rethink it!

7:21 AM  
Blogger Anita Figueras said...

I'm in! These will make great gifts (affordable and relatively quick knits), and I love that you are focusing on sock yarn.

Are you going to try to include a design or two that will work well with the more raucous hand-painted yarns?

7:51 AM  
Blogger Lost City Denise said...

Fantastic! I'm in!

9:47 AM  
Anonymous AlisonH said...

Gorgeous! You do NICE work!

5:55 PM  
Blogger Syd said...

Very exciting indeed! Looking forward to the book growing!

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Madeline said...

This is ambitious and exciting. I think you're a wonderful designer, so -- I'm in!

8:25 PM  
Blogger RoxanneZYG said...

Love this idea Romi! I just signed up...love your creations!

10:19 AM  
Blogger pearl said...

you are amazing, Romi! Merope is so beautiful! i'm still knitting my Brandywine - I'll get to Merope some day.....

10:23 PM  

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