
20 October 2014

monday's musing

"Bloom where you're planted." - Mary Engelbreit

One of my very favorite quotes, and one I am working hard on!

Now to answer some questions about my club that I didn't realize I had until just this moment!

Elizabeth asked: "Could you elaborate on the payment plan options? I'd love to try to fit this into my budget! Thanks!"
Answer: PayPal has a payment plan option that used to be called "Bill Me Later" and is now called PayPal credit. For now, that is the one payment plan I am able to offer. I am already planning 2016's club, however, and will work extra hard on making payment plans come true.

Donna asked: "I'm unfamiliar with your club. What would be a reason for ordering double yarn? Are the patterns shawlette a which could be made larger with the extra yarn?"
Answer: Yes! The extra yarn is to make the shawl larger. Each shawl is a full sized shawl (rather than a shawlette size) in itself, but some people like to make a larger option. Both regular and tall sizes are included in each pattern.

Hev asked: "I am looking forward to P&L 2015, but have I missed the area to get just the patterns? As much as I would love to get the yarn & pins, I can't. I have too many projects on my plate. This way I can hold the patterns & add them to my que. Thanks."
Answer: Do not fear! The pattern only option will go up for sale when the yarn and pin options are sold out. You didn't miss a thing. :)


  1. Whew! Thank goodness! I don't know what I would do without my P&L club addiction, lol. Thanks Romi!

  2. I've tried to live by that maxim for most of my grown-up life. ♡♡♡

  3. November 5th, is my birthday and I would love to win this.
